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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Complex Care

Children and youth with medical complexity are an increasingly visible and vulnerable population within paediatrics. Although they have different diagnoses, they share common features such as high health care utilization, high care needs in their home and community, technology dependence, and disease involving multiple organ systems. These children require high intensity care across settings and service sectors, which can lead to fragmentation, and challenges with communication and care coordination.

To provide children and youth with medical complexity the best possible clinical care, collaboration among diverse health care providers is essential.

The complex care collaborative within the CPS started out as a special interest group in 2014 and became a section in 2018, intended to bring together health care providers across a range of  specialties and care settings. As a section, this group will provide a forum for discussion and knowledge dissemination that cross practice locations and specialties. The section will coordinate efforts to improve education, support research endeavours and lead advocacy initiatives to improve support for families of children and youth with medical complexity at all levels of service delivery and government.

Section fee: $30

National Ground Rounds

Recordings of past National Grand Rounds are available for CPS members and searchable by subspecialty/special interest.

Section Executive

President, Esther Lee
Vice President, Sara Long-Gagné
Past President, Nathalie Major
Secretary-Treasurer, Audrey Lim
Members at Large: Kathleen Huth and Julia Orkin

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024