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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Paediatric Oral Health

Recognizing the importance of oral health as it relates to general health, the Paediatric Oral Health Section was formed in 2007. The section advocates for and promotes optimal oral health for infants, children and adolescents, including children and youth with special health care needs. This section also provides expertise and guidelines for children and youth with special health care needs by:

  • Developing educational programs for paediatricians and primary health care providers regarding the epidemiology and prevention of oral disease in Canadian children.
  • Promoting preventive oral health care, including recommendations on diet.
  • Standardizing national recommendations on fluoride and supporting fluoride use for populations and individuals at risk. 
  • Promoting the Canadian Dental Association’s statement that parents should arrange for a dental visit in their child’s first year.
  • Providing a forum for discussion of important child and youth dental health issues between the CPS and the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

We are helping to develop a national strategy on preventing early childhood caries, the most common infectious disease in Canadian children, especially in disadvantaged or marginalized communities.

The Paediatric Oral Health Section recently hosted a CPS booth at the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry annual general meeting. Section members spoke with delegates about the work of the Paediatric Oral Health Section and the benefits of CPS membership. 

Section fee: $24

Links and resources

National Ground Rounds

Recordings of past National Grand Rounds are available for CPS members and searchable by subspecialty/special interest.

Section Executive

President, Ed Yoon
Vice President, VACANT
Past President, Shannon Fitzpatrick
Secretary-Treasurer, Becky Olacke

Last updated: Jun 17, 2024