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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Antiracism Initiative

Antiracism Steering Committee

Dr. Minoli Amit

Dr. Mark Awuku

Dr. Mahli Brindamour

Dr. Ming-Ka Chan

Dr. Muna Chowdhury

Dr. Mark Feldman

Dr. Johanne Harvey

Dr. Kassia Johnson, Co-chair

Dr. Tehseen Ladha

Dr. Cheyenne LaForme

Dr. Tatiana Sotindjo

Dr. Shazeen Suleman

Dr. Sam Wong, Co-chair

Racism has affected generations of people, including health care professionals and patients within Canada’s health system. It has influenced how health professionals are trained, how institutions are run, and how patient care is delivered.

As an organization representing health professionals involved in education, advocacy, and patient care in hospitals and clinics across Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society must help change the status quo—for the benefit of children and youth, their families, and our members.

Our goal is to be an actively antiracist organization—working to eliminate the racism that exists within our organization, our communities, our workplaces, and ourselves to create a more equitable health care system. More details are in our Antiracism Policy.


Released in December 2021, the CPS Antiracism Policy is our commitment to creating an organization that reflects and values the diversity of the members we represent, the children and youth we serve, and the world we want to live in.

Implementing the policy requires action at all levels of the CPS. A Steering Committee (co-chaired by Dr. Kassia Johnson and Dr. Sam Wong) is providing guidance and oversight, and three working groups are focused on specific areas:

  • Advocacy: co-chaired by Dr. Muna Chowdhury and Dr. Tehseen Ladha
  • Medical eduation: co-chaired by Dr. Mark Awuku and Dr. Ming-Ka Chan
  • Policy implementation: co-chaired by Dr. Minoli Amit and Dr. Shazeen Suleman

We are in the early stages of this initiative, and will update this space to share our progress and our activities.

For more information, or to get involved, email

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Last updated: Aug 16, 2023