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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Adolescent Health


Formed in 1990, the Adolescent Health Section is a network of paediatricians, health care professionals, interested in adolescent health issues.  Section members include adolescent medicine specialists, general paediatricians, paediatric residents and nurse practitioners, whose shared goal is to increase awareness and knowledge of the needs of adolescents in the health care system.

Section fee: $24

Links and resources

National Grand Rounds

Recordings of past National Grand Rounds are available for CPS members and searchable by subspecialty/special interest.

Section Executive

President, Allison Rodrigues
Vice President, Rosheen Grady
Past President, Amy Robinson
Secretary-Treasurer, VACANT
Resident Liaison, Natalie Pitch

Last updated: Sep 4, 2024