A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.
Paediatric Emergency Medicine
The Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section, formed in 1986, is a network for specialists, paediatricians and residents working together to improve and promote paediatric ER and crisis care in Canada and encourage information exchange and collaboration on a national level. Through the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), we are also involved in the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) program.
Our section collaborates actively with other leading paediatric emergency medicine groups in Canada to:
Provide educational opportunities in acute care, such as CME events and conferences, for residents, paediatricians and subspecialists.
Develop national guidelines and standards of care for acute care paediatrics.
Provide a forum for discussion and communication among practitioners in paediatric emergency medicine.
Recordings of past National Grand Rounds are available for CPS members and searchable by subspecialty/special interest.
Section Executive
President, April Kam
Vice President, Evelyne Doyon-Trottier
Past President,Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff
Secretary-Treasurer, Mathieu Blanchet
Member at Large, Melissa Chan and Sim Grewal
Resident iaison, Christina Santamaria