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Career Research Award

Established in 2009, the Career Research Award is a biennial award that recognizes the career of an outstanding and accomplished researcher working on an aspect of paediatric research in Canada.

The award is presented during the CPS Annual Conference. The recipient is awarded a commemorative plaque and a $1,000 prize and complimentary CPS membership for 1 year. 

Awarded every other year, the next award will be presented in 2026.

Current recipient(s): Dr. Stuart Turvey

Dr. Stuart Turvey

Dr. Stuart Turvey is being recognized with the Career Research Award both for his research and for mentoring the next generation of child health clinician-scientists. He is a clinical immunologist and professor of paediatrics at the University of British Columbia. He received his medical degree from Australia, completed doctoral studies at Oxford, and undertook clinical and post-doctoral research training at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He took up his faculty position at B.C. Children’s Hospital and UBC in 2004.

Dr. Turvey’s research has changed the practice of clinical immunology and the care of paediatric patients with inborn errors of immunity both in Canada and internationally. His work focuses on childhood immune deficiency diseases and disorders of immune dysfunction, including asthma, allergies, and autoimmunity. In 2023, he led a large international consortium which discovered that gain of function genetic changes in the gene STAT6 cause severe allergic disease and identified effective treatments for severely affected patients, many of whom are children. Dr. Turvey has also led impactful discoveries of other new inborn errors of immunity. His work is translational, interdisciplinary, and focused on developing precision health approaches to infectious and inflammatory diseases of childhood.

Dr. Turvey has published extensively, received numerous research awards, and presented his work both at home and around the world.


Nominees should be actively engaged in research and be a MD and/or a PhD. The recipient should be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, hold an appointment at a Canadian university, hospital or research institute, and have conducted the majority of their career research in Canada.

The Awards Committee will judge candidates based on:

  • The impact of the research demonstrated by the number of publications, quality of journal in which work is published, participation in national and international scientific symposia/meetings, academic visits, grant review panels and like activities.
  • The influence of the nominee on others to develop research careers.
  • Novel collaborative relationships (national or international) created by the nominee that have enhanced the body of research knowledge.


Submissions must include:

  • Letters of support from the nominator and seconder, both of which are CPS members, describing how the nominee meets the above criteria. One of these letters must be from outside the candidate’s institution. Maximum 3 pages. The letters should clearly demonstrate the impact th candidate’s research has had on child health. 
  • Updated curriculum vitae for the candidate. Maximum 5 pages.

Submit your nominations using the Submit Nomination button.

Sponsored by the Department of Paediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto.

Past recipients


Dr. Patricia Parkin


Dr. David Johnson


Dr. Grant Mitchell


Dr. Alex MacKenzie


Dr. Francine Ducharme


Drs. Peter and Carol Camfield


Dr. Jan Gorter

Last updated: Jun 14, 2024