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Based on recent CPS position statements/practice points and presented in a case-based approach, these podcasts allow busy clinicians to listen to CME at their convenience.

Featuring practical insights, clinical presentations or specific diagnoses, clinical guidance and policy recommendations, these podcasts will appeal to paediatricians, family physicians, residents, and allied health professionals.

Brought to you by CPS and PedsCases.

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Access to appropriate interpretation is essential for the health of children

Date Posted: Jun 24 2024


Length: 12 min.

CPS position statement

Anxiety in children and youth: Part 1 - Diagnosis

Date Posted: Oct 19 2023


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concerns affecting Canadian children and adolescents. The Canadian Paediatric Society has developed two position statements that summarize current evidence regarding the diagnosis and management of anxiety disorders. 

Length: 14 min.


Pain Assessment and Management for Children

Date Posted: Aug 9 2023


Pain assessment and management are essential components of paediatric care. Developmentally appropriate pain assessment is an important first step in optimizing pain management. Self-reported pain should be prioritized. Alternatively, developmentally appropriate behavioural tools should be used. Acute pain management and prevention guidelines and strategies that combine physical, psychological, and pharmacological approaches should be accessible in all health care settings. Chronic pain is best managed using combined treatment modalities and counselling, with the primary goal of attaining functional improvement. 

Length: 18 min.

CPS position statement

Evaluating and Optimizing Bone Health in Children with Chronic Health Conditions

Date Posted: Mar 20 2023


Paediatric health care providers (HCPs) play an important role in optimizing bone health. Childhood accrual of bone mass accelerates in adolescence, with peak lifetime bone mass typically achieved between 20 and 25 years of age [1]-[3]. Thus, addressing modifiable risk factors throughout childhood is essential.

Length: 36 min.

CPS practice point

Protecting children and adolescents against the risks of vaping

Date Posted:


Youth vaping presents significant risks for the health and safety of Canadian children and adolescents. This statement provides background information about vaping, vaping products, and related devices, discusses the short- and long-term harms known to be associated with their use, 

Length: 27 min.

CPS position statement

Lyme Disease in Canada

Date Posted: Apr 11 2022


Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne infection in Canada and much of the United States, is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. Peak incidence for Lyme disease is among children five to nine years of age and older adults (55 to 59 years of age). The bacteria are transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged ticks of the Ixodes species. The primary hosts of black-legged ticks are mice and other rodents, small mammals, birds (which are reservoirs for B burgdorferi) and white-tailed deer. Geographical distribution of Ixodes ticks is expanding in Canada and an increasing number of cases of Lyme disease are being reported. The present practice point reviews the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, management and prevention of Lyme disease, with a focus on children.

Length: 19 min.

CPS practice point

The Rourke Baby Record - An Overview - CPS Podcast

Date Posted: Apr 6 2022


The Rourke Baby Record (RBR) is an evidence-based health supervision guide for physicians and other health care providers caring for children in the first five years of life. Its goal has always been to ensure that health care providers have up-to-date evidence and information to provide effective care for children in Canada.

Length: 21 min.

CPS practice point

Management of the patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants

Date Posted: Feb 10 2022


Management of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants is one of the most contentious topics in neonatal intensive care. PDAs have been associated without proof of causation with numerous adverse outcomes, including prolongation of assisted ventilation, pulmonary hemorrhage, chronic lung disease (CLD), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), and death

Length: 16 min.

CPS position statement

Emergency management of the paediatric patient with convulsive status epilepticus

Date Posted: Jan 11 2022


This guideline addresses the emergency management of convulsive status epilepticus (CSE) in children and infants older than one month of age. It replaces a previous position statement from 2011, and includes a new treatment algorithm and table of recommended medications based on new evidence and reflecting the evolution of clinical practice over the past several years. This statement emphasizes the importance of timely pharmacological management of CSE, and includes some guidance for diagnostic approach and supportive care.

Length: 29 min.

CPS position statement

Screen Time in Young Children

Date Posted: Apr 11 2022


The digital landscape is evolving more quickly than research on the effects of screen media on the development, learning and family life of young children. This statement examines the potential benefits and risks of screen media in children younger than 5 years, focusing on developmental, psychosocial and physical health. Evidence-based guidance to optimize and support children’s early media experiences involves four principles: minimizing, mitigating, mindfully using and modelling healthy use of screens. Knowing how young children learn and develop informs best practice strategies for health care providers.

Length: 33 min.

CPS practice point

Last updated: Jan 21, 2022

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Online education inquiries

statements and practice points

Paediatrics & Child Health