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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Welcome to The Paediatric Post!

Posted on September 20, 2013 by the Canadian Paediatric Society | Permalink

Topic(s): Membership

Dr. Andrew Lynk
CPS President
Sydney, Nova Scotia

Hi friends and colleagues,

Welcome to The Paediatric Post, blog of the Canadian Paediatric Society. (I can’t believe this, my first time blogging ever. This is a new developmental milestone for me!)

We’ve launched this blog as part of our commitment to engage members and keep you informed about the latest news from the CPS.

Twice a month, we’ll add articles that feature new and updated policy documents and clinical tools, highlight CPS programs, advocacy initiatives and upcoming events and education. We’ll also bring you stories of CPS members and keep you informed about membership benefits.

CPS members will continue to receive a monthly newsletter via email. The CPS eNews brings you the latest news and information from the organization in quick bites. Here on the blog, we have more space to tell longer stories, and provide greater detail.

Most important, The Paediatric Post also allows us to hear from you, with space for readers to comment on stories.  What hot topics should we cover at our next Annual Conference in Montreal? (How about a debate on whether Canada should de-criminalize marijuana?) How do we get the early years and child poverty onto the federal leaders’ election debate? (Let’s call it a “War on Lost Opportunity”?) How do we engage our younger members via social media, and meet their educational needs? How do we help foster and mentor effective advocacy and leadership skills? We want to hear back from you in real time!

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any content. Once subscribed, you will receive a link to each new entry via e-mail. Articles will also be featured in CPS eNews, on and through social media.

We hope you will enjoy reading this blog, and welcome your feedback and suggestions for content. You can provide feedback through the blog’s commenting function, or by e-mailing us at

For more information, visit About This Blog.



The Canadian Paediatric Society holds copyright on all information we publish on this blog. For complete details, read our Copyright Policy.


The information on this blog should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice. The views of blog writers do not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Paediatric Society.

Last updated: Sep 24, 2013