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Canadian Paediatric Society Blog - Blog of the Canadian Paediatric Society

Canadian Paediatric Society Blog

The disproportionate impact of health misinformation on BIPOC communities: A call for paediatricians to act

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July 16, 2018

Detention is still harming children at the US border

Dr. Charles Hui, chief of infectious diseases, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada Deborah Zion, chair, Victoria University Human Research Ethics Committee, Melbourne, Australia This op-ed first appeared in The British… Read more

June 25, 2018

What we can do for separated migrant children in the U.S.

Tony Barozzino, MD, Toronto, Ont. Mahli Brindamour, MD, Saskatoon, Sask. Chuck Hui, MD, Ottawa, Ont. This op-ed first appeared in The Globe and Mail. As pediatricians, we spend our lives trying to make children better. Like so many Canadians,… Read more

June 14, 2018

The CPS Fetus and Newborn CommitteeUpcoming works revealed

Dr. Michael Narvey Section Head of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba Chair, CPS Fetus and Newborn Committee The annual conference marked a changing of the guard at the Canadian Paediatric Society, as Dr. Thierry… Read more

June 5, 2018

Social paediatrics Hub meets children and families where they live

When people ask me how it’s going at the clinic, I say, you mean the Hub?” said Dr. Sue Bennett when CPS staff arrived at the Social Pediatric Hub for a tour. She’s right. As a child and youth health and well-being space, the Social… Read more

June 5, 2018

Children need healthy communities

The first step to improving child health and wellbeing in Northern Ontario is to focus on improving community health. That’s the message from participants at a forum co-hosted by the CPS and the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority… Read more

January 18, 2018

Truth and Reconciliation: As paediatricians, how can we make a difference?

Dr. Radha Jetty and Dr. Sam Wong Residential schools were created in Canada to separate Aboriginal children and youth from their families, remove them from their culture and assimilate them into the dominant euro-Canadian culture. The Truth and… Read more

January 11, 2018

Treating newborn drug withdrawal by getting back to nature

Dr. Michael Narvey Section Head of Neonatology, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba Member, CPS Fetus and Newborn Committee I wish it were otherwise, but in my practice, I have seen a growing number of pregnancies complicated by… Read more

December 1, 2017

Paediatricians and social media: Why it’s time to join the conversation

With the rise of technology, children and teens are now creating and sharing information at a dizzying pace. Text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and blogs are essential elements of their days. Feel like a dinosaur yet? If… Read more

November 7, 2017

Book review: How paediatricians sold Joey Smallwood on a children’s hospital for St. John’s

The Janeway: 50 Years of Caring for Children by Dr. Rick Cooper Boulder Publications $21.95 258 pages By Dr. J.T.H. Connor, Memorial University, St. John’s, Nfld. © Eastern Health Storyline June 15, 2016 In 1966, Memorial University’s medical… Read more

October 12, 2017

Spotlight: Dr. Dany Harvey

If you know a community paediatrician who should be featured, please contact [email protected]. Dr. Dany Harvey Where were you born and where do you live now?  I was born in Alma in Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec. I completed my university… Read more

Last updated: Apr 20, 2020