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Paediatricians urge end to protests at health care facilities, and for all Canadians to consider vaccination

Sep 7, 2021

Ottawa - Along with our colleagues at the Canadian Medical Association and the Ontario Medical Association, the Canadian Paediatric Society is saddened to see bullying, attacks and violence against health workers by people who oppose vaccine mandates. Health professionals provide care without regard for a patient’s political ideology. They deserve to provide this care in a safe environment.

From the start of the pandemic, health care workers have put themselves at risk and met an unprecedented and unrelenting demand for their services. That they are now the target of protests over a proven public health intervention that could end the pandemic is especially demoralizing. The kind of aggressive behaviour that we have seen at health care facilities is unacceptable at any time. It is especially harmful at a time when the health care system is being stretched once again largely because of people who have chosen to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.

The freedom to refuse vaccination is a fundamental right, but it comes with consequences and responsibilities.

After 18 months of disruption to the education, development, and physical and mental health of children and youth, the CPS believes that every Canadian has a responsibility to embrace every recommended public health measure to end the pandemic and restore normal life. Vaccination is the most effective tool.

Choosing not to vaccinate against any vaccine-preventable disease carries risks and responsibilities. Excluding unvaccinated people from certain activities in the face of disease outbreak is not a new concept. However, typically these rare situations involve local outbreaks and small numbers of unvaccinated people.

The situation we are currently facing involves a global pandemic, a rapidly spreading viral variant, and relatively large numbers of people without vaccine protection.

Anyone who is unvaccinated is at risk of contracting COVID-19 and of spreading it to people who cannot get vaccinated. This includes every child under the age of 12, who are not yet eligible for COVID-19 immunization.

We urge all Canadians who have chosen not to vaccinate themselves or their eligible children and youth—without a medical reason—to speak with their health care provider about the risks of refusing immunization and the benefits of accepting the COVID-19 vaccine. We also urge those protesting vaccine mandates to respect the right of health professionals to practice—and for patients to receive care—safely and without harassment.

More information

Covid-19 vaccine for children and youth

When parents choose not to vaccinate: Risks and responsibilities

Media inquiries

Last updated: Jan 26, 2022

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Paediatrics & Child Health