OTTAWA—The Canadian Paediatric Society has announced its 2012 award winners, recognizing health professionals who have helped improve child and youth health in Canada:
Dr. Peter Dent – Hamilton, Ont.
Alan Ross Award
Dr. Peter Dent receives the Alan Ross Award, which recognizes lifelong excellence in the fields of paediatric research, education, healthcare and advocacy. Dr. Dent is professor emeritus in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University. His diverse and influential contribution to Canadian paediatrics includes the founding of McMaster Children’s Hospital. Dr. Dent is recognized as a remarkable role model, not only for his clinical work, but also as a leader, volunteer and advocate for improving child and youth health in the community.
Dr. Elyanne Ratcliffe – Hamilton, Ont.
Young Investigator Award
Dr. Elyanne Ratcliffe receives the Young Investigator Award, which recognizes research accomplishments in child and youth health. Dr. Ratcliffe is an associate professor in the Division of Gastroenterology at McMaster University. Her research looks at how the gut becomes innervated during development, playing a part in the understanding of Hirschsprung’s Disease and other motility disorders of the mammalian bowel. Dr. Ratcliffe’s original subject area and creative approaches to her research questions have led to groundbreaking studies.
Dr. David Wong – Summerside, PEI
Distinguished Community Paediatrician Award
This year’s Distinguished Community Paediatrician Award goes to Dr. David Wong, who has served Summerside, PEI for over 25 years. He has provided care for children and youth at Prince County Hospital and Summerside Medical Centre. He has advocated for child and youth health to the public, through his newspaper columns, to government through various committees, and as a past member of the CPS Board of Directors.
Drs. Moshe Ipp and Anna Taddio – Toronto, Ont.
Noni MacDonald Award
The Noni MacDonald Award recognizes an article, published in Paediatrics & Child Health, which has positively affected paediatric medicine. This year’s award goes to Pain management during vaccination: Recommendations from a Canadian clinical practice guideline, by Dr. Moshe Ipp and Dr. Anna Taddio. Their paper describes how reducing pain associated with vaccine injections is not only humane, but also a scientifically and medically important preventative health measure, and offers evidence-based options that are easily implemented in any clinical setting.
Dr. Hema Patel – Montreal, Que.
Victor Marchessault Advocacy Award
The 2012 recipient of the Victor Marchessault Advocacy Award is Dr. Hema Patel, recognizing her work promoting the needs of hearing impaired children. Dr. Patel is an academic ambulatory care paediatrician and associate professor in paediatrics at McGill University.
Dr. Francine Ducharme – Montreal, Que.
Career Research Award
Dr. Francine Ducharme is the recipient of the Career Research Award, a biannual award that recognizes an outstanding and accomplished paediatric researcher working on an aspect of paediatric research in Canada. Dr. Ducharme is a paediatrician, clinical epidemiologist, and professor at Sainte-Justine University Hospital. Her research on improving the health outcomes of children with asthma and wheezing has had international influence and contributed to changing national and international asthma practice guidelines.
Dr. David McGillivray – Montreal, Que.
Anna Jarvis Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Award
Dr. David McGillivray is the 2012 recipient of the Anna Jarvis Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Award, recognizing his excellence in teaching and mentorship of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education students. He was instrumental in the recognition of paediatric emergency medicine (PEM) as a RCPS(C) specialty. He served as chair of the PEM RCPS(C) Exam Committee, director of the PEM Fellowship Program and chair of the PEM Division at Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Patrick McNamara – Toronto, ON
Dr. Prakesh Shah – Toronto, ON
Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award
Dr. Patrick McNamara and Dr. Prakesh Shah are the recipients of the 2012 Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award, which recognizes achievements and initiatives of neonatologists early in their professional careers. Dr. McNamara, a staff neonatologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, has made immense contributions to the field of neonatal cardiovascular care by introducing targeted echocardiography to neonatal clinical care in Canada. Dr. Shah, a staff neonatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital, has made significant improvements and contributions to the Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN) database, which collects processes of care elements for all babies admitted to NICUs in Canada.
All CPS awards will be presented at the 89th CPS Annual Conference—June 6-9, 2012 in London, Ont.
The Canadian Paediatric Society is a national advocacy association that promotes the health needs of children and youth. Founded in 1922, the CPS represents more than 3,300 paediatricians, paediatric subspecialists and other child health professionals across Canada.
Last updated: Oct 5, 2012