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Pedagogy: Online Education

Take charge of your continuing professional development through Pedagogy, the Canadian Paediatric Society’s learning portal. Find opportunities that suit your learning preferences, and access resources and tools that are current, evidence-based and accredited. We’re dedicated to providing education for healthcare professionals to help improve decision-making about child and youth health.

CPS members receive free access to one-hour modules and discounted pricing on other learning opportunities.

Not a member? See a complete list of available courses.

Featured Courses

Diagnosis and management of paediatric cow’s milk protein allergy

Diagnosis and management of paediatric cow’s milk protein allergy

Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is the most common food allergy in infants and young children worldwide, followed by eggs and peanuts. CMPA can be immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated, non–IgE-mediated or a combination of both. This module focuses on IgE-mediated food reactions related to cow's milk, which can range from hives, angioedema, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms to life-threatening anaphylaxis. This online learning module will enable health care professionals who work with infants and children to provide quality, evidence-based care in the diagnosis and management of CMPA, and to counsel families about safety practices within and outside the home.

Pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in paediatrics

Pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in paediatrics

This online module reviews the current state of pneumococcal disease in healthy and high-risk Canadian children, including burden of disease and associated prophylaxis. It examines the successes and remaining unmet needs in mitigating pneumococcal disease through immunization for Canadian children.

MenB immunization in children and adolescents: Strategies to protect your patients

MenB immunization in children and adolescents: Strategies to protect your patients

This module is designed to give health care providers practical information to guide discussions about meningococcal group B (MenB) immunization with groups at risk. The goal is to help facilitate quick discussions in clinical practice that will enable patients and caregivers to determine whether this vaccine option is suitable for them.

Last updated: Feb 14, 2024

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Paediatrics & Child Health